Who are we? 
The California Marine Affairs and Navigation
Conference (CMANC) is a consortium of ports, harbors and
marine interests in California. Its mission is to optimize
California maritime benefits by providing advocacy for the sustainable
maintenance and improvement of California harbors, ports, coastal
and navigation projects.
In light of the overwhelmingly
positive impact California’s marine interests have on the national
economy, Federal funding for construction, maintenance &
operations, environmental enhancement & restoration and
planning activities continues to fall far short of levels needed
to sustain this vital infrastructure. CMANC Federal Advocacy
Mission We support the U.S. economy and international trade,
homeland security and the environment. In order to support
these missions, California’s seaports and harbors need:
- adequate Presidential budget requests,
Congressional budget allocations and appropriations to construct
and maintain statutorily authorized marine infrastructure,
including surface transportation access and land infrastructure,
- full execution of the traditional Corps
of Engineers’ Civil Works mission with reduction of excessive
project permitting delays and project costs.
California’s Ports & Harbors Mean to the Nation
California’s ports, harbors and
waterways are vital to the nation’s economy and homeland security.
In a recent update of a 1997 San Francisco State University
study, it was found that California ports and harbors:
1.6 million American jobs
in $30.5 billion in personal income
responsible for $57 billion in national output/GDP
$10 billion in federal taxes and duties returned to the
U.S. Treasury annually
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California Marine Affairs
and Navigation Conference
Energy and Water Appropriations
We request Congress provide adequate FY2005 Budget allocations and appropriations for (1) Congressionally authorized Civil Works construction projects and (2) to maintain California Federal ocean entrances and channels.
Corps of Engineers Support
We believe the Corps’ traditional role in the development of the nation’s maritime and flood control projects should remain intact. Any divestiture of this role to other federal agencies would weaken what has become the world’s foremost navigation and water management system. CMANC recommends strengthening of the Corps’ role in these vital national programs through streamlining and refinement of the Corps’ existing systems. CMANC also urges full execution by the Corps of its basic navigation, shore and flood protection mission as well as environmental restoration and recreation authorized by Congress.
WRDA 2004
We urge the passage of a Water Resources Development Act in 2004 to continue the investment in our efficient maritime transportation system to benefit national economic recovery.
TEA-21 Reauthorization
We support reauthorization of TEA-21 so that California ports and harbors can continue to meet the challenges of increased maritime trade by furthering the development of an efficient and flexible multi-modal transportation system.
National Marine Sanctuaries
We support the preservation of the nation’s ocean resources and a balanced decision-making process that will enable sanctuaries and operating harbors to live side-by-side harmoniously. Unilateral authority should not be granted to sanctuaries or their managers. Sanctuary boundaries should not be expanded until outstanding issues are resolved.
Port Security
We support legislation that funds and maintains a safe and secure maritime infrastructure including its transportation system.
Wallop-Breaux Trust Funds
We urge Congress to distribute Wallop-Breaux funds back to the states for use in boating and wildlife restoration programs; and to state maritime infrastructure banks, which can loan or grant funds to appropriate state projects. Wallop-Breaux funds are generated exclusively from federal excise taxes on marine products and fuel. Nearly half of these funds are unallocated.
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